I am excited to announce that Groundwork is ready to take a big step forward in our commitment to being a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive organization. We are seeking the help of a professional consultant to guide us on this journey, and we are officially releasing this Request for Proposal. Please share it with anyone you think might be able to help us.
Here at Groundwork, I am proud to say that we have made a real organizational commitment to learning about racial equity and inclusiveness. The staff all participated in a six week “Me and White Supremacy” anti-racism program, and we’ve been a part of a number of valuable workshops. We’ve been super fortunate to have had a variety of terrific Native American leaders work with us on a series of educational programs. In fact, we just completed one on Indigenous food cultures that was so informative and inspiring.
Learning is important, but only one step of many toward becoming a more inclusive organization. We have been growing our collaborative networks with a more diverse set of partners. Now, with the help of an outside consultant, we will begin to examine our internal processes, organizational culture and our program planning and delivery in order to transform further.
It’s all been really valuable to Groundwork. I think the whole staff has gained a lot personally, too – I know I have. Now, as we think about how to keep growing and learning, we are all excited to recruit a consultant to help us navigate the next steps.
Please see the introductory letter and downloadable RFPs below.
Hans Voss
Executive Director
To Whom It May Concern:
Attached please find separate Requests for Proposal for organizational assessments of diversity, equity, inclusion and justice for two connected organizations – the Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities and the Great Lakes Business Network. These assessments are independent of each other, although Groundwork Center is common to both efforts. The Groundwork Center is a managing partner in the Great Lakes Business Network with the National Wildlife Foundation, and Groundwork is leading the administrative review, consultant selection and eventual contract for the Great Lakes Business Network.
These two RFP’s have been crafted with unique yet complementary goals in mind. Individuals or organizations that are interested and able to work with both Groundwork and GLBN simultaneously are encouraged to submit a proposal, though individual proposals are also welcome.
The instructions within each RFP outline how to submit each proposal. Please be sure to note clearly which proposal you are submitting, and use the correct email address and subject line
Please feel free to share these proposals widely with colleagues and networks that may be interested. If you have questions regarding work completed to date or any other inquiries regarding this proposal, please submit them to jobs(at) and/or glbnconnect(at) via email with the subject line “Groundwork Equity Consultant” and/or “GLBN Equity Consultant” by February 26th. Responses to all questions will be prepared in a single written document that will be shared by email with all interested applicants by March 5th.
Meghan McDermott, Groundwork Center Director of Programs
Jim Lively, Great Lakes Business Network Managing Director

Download the Groundwork Center Equity RFP

Download the Great Lakes Business Network Equity RFP