Rural Electric Co-op Webinar

POWER UP: Help Your Electric Co-Op Embrace Clean Energy

May 21, 2024 |

Rural electric co-ops exert a great deal of influence in shaping the future of renewable energy in northern Michigan. This 1-hour webinar, FREE, will provide terrific background on electric co-ops and how they work, and will also offer tips and advice for shaping the direction of renewable energy policy in your electric co-op. Register today!

You know that at Groundwork, we’re here to help our communities become more resilient to our changing future. We often get asked what it actually means to build resilient communities. There can be many answers to that question, but one answer is to build resilient communities in northern Michigan, we need a decentralized, local power grid that carries clean energy. 

How do we make that happen? Well, in northern Michigan, we are better set up to achieve a clean grid than our neighbors downstate. That’s because most of us in northern Michigan receive our electricity from rural electric cooperatives, which makes us members and gives us a say in decisions that co-ops make. 

What are rural electric cooperatives? How do they work? And how can you help them lead in our clean energy transition? Join our webinar on May 24th at noon! REGISTER FREE HERE!


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