It Began With One School, One Farmer One Vegetable …

December 3, 2018 |

Did you know that you have helped to transform the lives of nearly 135,000 students from 57 school districts across Michigan? Well, each time you support Groundwork, you make a difference in the lives of children. Groundwork’s 10 Cents for School Kids and Farms started over 12 years ago, and we now see better academic results from kids who are eating healthier, farm-fresh food. For that support, we thank you!  

We started with one school, one farmer, and just one vegetable. Through tenacity and years of hard work, we initiated the idea of a farm to school program, and eventually we convinced legislators that children would do better in school if they ate a wholesome diet. It also became clear that farmers would financially benefit if they could count on schools for over a million dollars in sales. And that is without a doubt a win-win scenario. 

I point out 10 Cents because it brings home two points: 1) transformative change takes time, and needs support from people with vision; and 2) the impact is substantial. My wife, Coco, and I made a multi-year commitment to the Farms, Food, and Health project. It has been well worth the effort. 

So, now, I invite you to do the same. With this letter, I ask you to consider joining us by making a commitment to help us champion one of the many projects at Groundwork.

In the recent letter you received from Hans Voss, you read about everything from revitalizing passenger rail to decommissioning Line 5. Each of these endeavors is going to take time, funding, and people with the vision to contribute their special talents to see it through. By building strategic partnerships and advocating respectfully, I have no doubt we will bring about meaningful change.

Your gift to Groundwork will result in transformative and sustainable change. Please support the good work at Groundwork, and help create a more resilient future for all of us. 

Many thanks for continuing to be a contributing member of Groundwork.

P.S. If someone you know would like to make a difference by investing in transformative change in food, energy, or transportation, please help to spread the good news by sharing this letter.

Dive Into the Details: Passenger Rail From Ann Arbor to Traverse City

If you’re the kind of person who likes to “see for yourself” and has an affinity for details, you will enjoy a deep dive into our latest report about the feasibility of passenger rail from Ann Arbor to Traverse City. Tell us what you think!

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