Groundwork Shares the Attitude for Gratitude this #GivingTuesday

December 1, 2015 |

Four years ago, a cultural center in New York City known for bringing people together around the values of service and giving back created #GivingTuesday to connect individuals with organizations around the world to celebrate and encourage giving. This global day of gratitude inspired us to share why Groundwork supporters give to our cause. 

Our fifteen staffers work hard to protect the environment, strengthen the economy and build community through a variety of program areas including local food, clean energy and transportation. Groundwork members give for reasons that include getting more local farm food into schools, helping businesses and locals utilize and save on clean energy, and to help bring passenger rail from Ann Arbor to Traverse City. 

This #GivingTuesday, we hope that you’ll be inspired to share why you give and to make a donation to our annual campaign so that we can continue to protect, strengthen, and build. Help us shape a resilient way of life today and for future generations. Read on to discover why these star Groundwork supporters give. 


“In an increasingly globalized economy, thinking local is the big key to stronger and healthier communities. For example, when you spend your dollars at a locally owned store, over 2/3 of those dollars remain in the local economy. Groundwork is all about local!” —John Bercini, Roosevelt Investment Group



“I love being able to support Groundwork, and Taste the Local Difference through the Farmland 5K Run and Free for All Bike, because the mission can positively affect everyone, across all age groups, and socioeconomic status. Eating healthy is important in the scheme of all of our futures, and to think my food comes from land that I can see every day means a lot to me. That’s why I support this cause.” —Lisa Taylor, Race Director, Farmland 5K Run and Free for All Bike, Groundwork Advisory Council


“Groundwork touches my life on a daily basis. From the local food that my 6-year-old eats and learns about at Leland Public School to laying the tracks for passenger rail from Ann Arbor to Traverse City, to the solar energy being used to produce the area’s award winning wine and beer, Groundwork has a unique and comprehensive impact on the community that—in large part for the reasons above—we’ve decided to call home.” —Dan Worth, Clean Energy Policy Specialist for Groundwork Center 


“Encouraging local food purchasing is important because of its direct positive effects on the community. Local food encourages connection between local people—those who grow the food and those who consume it. Purchasing food locally results in dollars being reinvested in the community and therefore a stronger, more resilient local economy. And lastly, the food grown locally that we’re encouraging consumers to buy is fresh, local produce, which develops better eating habits and keeps the members of our community healthy.” —Tricia Phelps, Taste the Local Difference


“Northern Michigan is such an incredible place to live and raise a family, and I truly believe Groundwork is the only organization in the region that takes an expansive approach to keep it that way. From protecting our natural resources, to supporting our local farms, to building a clean energy future—I’m proud to call myself both a Groundwork staff member and donor.” —James Russell, Communications Manager for Groundwork Center 



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