Gathering to share ideas, make new connections, rekindle old connections, and keep our mission moving forward is an essential pillar of Groundwork. We convene experts in culinary medicine to propel a new food culture, motivate clean energy leaders to move ahead on a net zero carbon economy, host extremely fun friend-raisers, and more. Join in!

3 Blue Zone–inspired cooking classes // 5:30–7pm, January 22, February 5 & 26*, Esperance Community Teaching Kitchen, Commongrounds Co-op, Traverse City
(*Note: The 2/26 event was originally scheduled for 2/12.)
Explore the secrets of longevity and health through delicious cooking. You’re invited to our cooking class series inspired by Blue Zone regions of the world, places where people live longer, healthier lives! Learn more, register!
All Event News
Blue Zone–inspired cooking classes!
Class One: The Joys of eating local and plant-focused meals. Inspired by Blue Zone pillar “Plant Slant” // 5:30–8:30pm, January 22Session Description: Join Groundwork, Planted Cuisine, Dr. Tina Metropoulos, and Mi Farm Coop as we learn about the health and...
Spring Fling 2024! Join in!
It's time for the second annual Groundwork Spring Fling community gathering at Short’s Pull Barn Tap Room in Elk Rapids! Join us on Saturday, May 18, 2-5 PM. Let's celebrate the new season with a few good beverages, a few good friends, and live...
What’s on Tap for Our September Culinary Medicine Trainings
Since 2014, Groundwork has been hosting gatherings—roughly one every 18 months—to explore and promote the idea of deploying culinary medicine as a way to address some of the most challenging diet-related diseases facing our people as individuals and facing our nation...