Last week, while national transportation experts like Kirk Steudle, Roger Millar, and Jay Flint were laying out a new plan for how regional transit can boost this region’s economy, Traverse City’s regional planning board was laughing.
Buses Without Borders’ explores ways to expand transit connections
Traffic congestion is one of northwest Michigan’s most contentious issues, and transportation officials continue to seek ways to alleviate congestion. On Feb. 24, MLUI’s “Buses Without Borders” forum laid out a strategy to make public transportation part of the solution. But a few obstacles remain before transit becomes a truly viable alternative for many workers in the region. For nearly 16,000 people who work in a different county than their home, the county lines make it difficult for them to use buses to commute.
Buses Without Borders’ explores ways to expand transit connections
Traffic congestion is one of northwest Michigan’s most contentious issues, and transportation officials continue to seek ways to alleviate congestion. On Feb. 24, MLUI’s “Buses Without Borders” forum laid out a strategy to make public transportation part of the solution. But a few obstacles remain before transit becomes a truly viable alternative for many workers in the region. For nearly 16,000 people who work in a different county than their home, the county lines make it difficult for them to use buses to commute.
Buses Without Borders’ explores ways to expand transit connections
Traffic congestion is one of northwest Michigan’s most contentious issues, and transportation officials continue to seek ways to alleviate congestion. On Feb. 24, MLUI’s “Buses Without Borders” forum laid out a strategy to make public transportation part of the solution. But a few obstacles remain before transit becomes a truly viable alternative for many workers in the region. For nearly 16,000 people who work in a different county than their home, the county lines make it difficult for them to use buses to commute.
Are Buses Better Without Borders?
The only way agencies will capture everyday commuters and tourists is by offering an efficient express bus service that connects the region’s cities and villages to Traverse City regardless of county lines.
MLUI launches Traverse City train study
It’s been nearly 10 years since the “Grand Traverse Dinner Train” picked up passengers in Traverse City and led them through a three-hour tour of scenic northern Michigan. But a new study by the Michigan Land Use Institute is looking at a possible return of train service Up North.