Seeing how many people came out to the Smart Commute Week events made me wonder how this event came about and its place in the Traverse City community. I had the opportunity to sit down with Arianne Whittaker from TART Trails, which organizers the week, and ask her some questions.
Free bus passes for downtown TC employees
If you’re a downtown Traverse City employee, you are eligible for one of 50 free Bay Area Transportation Authority passes that will allow you to take unlimited rides on all City Loops and Village Loop routes from July through December 2014.
Fresh to TC: Riding the BATA Bus
MLUI’s summer intern, Rebecca Fisher, has never been to Michigan, let alone Traverse City. As part of her time here with us, we thought it’d be interesting to get her fresh perspective on all things “Up North”
Update: Senate Committee’s Bills Include Transit
On Wednesday, the Senate’s Infrastructure Modernization Committee passed five bills, three of the House bills and two from the Senate, that would flow new transportation money based on the normal transportation funding formula, Act 51. The bills would ensure that all transportation agencies get a share of the funding.
Road Funding Plan Leaves Buses at the Curb
Transportation advocates all over the state say the most recent proposal to raise much-needed money for transportation would bypass the state’s normal funding formula and divert money to roads only, leaving out transit.
Regional Rider: Smart Commuter Edition
Traverse City’s 20th annual Smart Commute Week is set for Saturday, May 31, through Saturday, June 7. Register now for the Smart Commute Challenge-it’s free, open to the public, and available for all ages and abilities. One person can be a team, but it’s always more fun as a group, so rally your friends, co-workers, classmates and families and register by Friday, May 16.