Add your name or your organization’s name to our online list of supporters of 10 Cents a Meal funding! Here’s to healthier kids and a stronger farm economy.

Add your name or your organization’s name to our online list of supporters of 10 Cents a Meal funding! Here’s to healthier kids and a stronger farm economy.
Kids bond with local foods, farms and farmers themselves when growers visit schools and share stories and good things to taste!
A look at five Farm to School programs in Charlevoix County that have been helped along by donations from the Charlevoix County Community Foundation. (Alice Waters called one a national model!)
A full-time Farm-to-School coordinator is a rarity, but the position pays big dividends in furthering a healthy food culture, as seen at Traverse Cay Area Intermediate School District.
Pellston high school students head to Bliss Gardens Farm to cultivate a culture of healthy local food at their school. Highlights: harvesting vegetables planted by their classmates in the spring and baking custom-made protein bars from vegetables.
As the 2018-19 school year kicks into gear, 135,000 Michigan children in 57 school districts will be enjoying healthy, locally purchased food in cafeteria lunches.