TC2DC for the Forward on Climate Rally!

TC2DC for the Forward on Climate Rally!

The Michigan Land Use Institute and Sustainable TC are teaming up to offer northern Michigan activists a chance to attend the upcoming Forward On Climate rally in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 17. We are chartering a bus to leave from Traverse City on Feb. 16 for an overnight drive to the nation’s capital and the rally. We will drive back to TC overnight on Sunday with a return set for Monday morning.

Mobility in Michigan: the Future is Now

Mobility in Michigan: the Future is Now

The future is coming fast in the world of mobility, which ranges from electric, to shared, to self-driving vehicles. Speaker after speaker at the Michigan Energy Conference: Powering the Future of Mobility noted that Michigan is leading the way.

Embracing the Eclipse, Harvesting the Power of the Sun

Embracing the Eclipse, Harvesting the Power of the Sun

The historic solar eclipse felt particularly special to us here at Groundwork, as we’ve been working hard in 2017 to celebrate the sun-as a source of income, jobs and community resilience. We have a golden opportunity to harvest millions of dollars in sunlight when it hits rooftops, parking lots, brownfields and vacant land.