Gov. Snyder and Enbridge have hatched a hasty plan to rush a deal through the Michigan legislature that would force the Mackinac Bridge Authority to manage and own a crude oil tunnel for a private Canadia firm. Help stop this very bad idea.

Gov. Snyder and Enbridge have hatched a hasty plan to rush a deal through the Michigan legislature that would force the Mackinac Bridge Authority to manage and own a crude oil tunnel for a private Canadia firm. Help stop this very bad idea.
Snyder’s hasty plan would tie the hands of future governors and force a complicated and ill-conceived oil pipeline tunnel on generations of Michiganders.
Several recent reports have reinforced the finding that Line 5 presents a huge risk for Michigan families, economy and environment. Candidates should take a strong stand to decommission the oil pipeline.
The Michigan Land Use Institute and Sustainable TC are teaming up to offer northern Michigan activists a chance to attend the upcoming Forward On Climate rally in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 17. We are chartering a bus to leave from Traverse City on Feb. 16 for an overnight drive to the nation’s capital and the rally. We will drive back to TC overnight on Sunday with a return set for Monday morning.
Affordability is often discussed as a housing issue, but in mostly rural, sprawling northwest Michigan, affordability is inextricably linked to the costs of transportation. We strive to provide affordable transportation alternatives for our workforce and celebrate when those options are made available. BATA’s regional bus service is an underutilized asset that is well positioned to address the region’s affordability and affordable housing dual conundrums.
With the June 30 release of an “Alternatives Analysis” commissioned by the State of Michigan, momentum is growing to decommission the Line 5 oil pipelines under the Straits of Mackinac. The conclusions of this analysis, and its popular and political impact in the weeks ahead, represent another crucial step in the march to shut down this catastophe-waiting-to-happen in the heart of the Great Lakes.