100% Clean Energy comes to Traverse City and Petoskey, the Farms Food and Health Conference gears up, Christie Minervini joins our Board of Directors, and more program updates.

100% Clean Energy comes to Traverse City and Petoskey, the Farms Food and Health Conference gears up, Christie Minervini joins our Board of Directors, and more program updates.
Farms Food and Health Conference, the TC Mobility Lab ramps up, and we celebrate the 2019 Clean Energy Conference.
Groundwork’s proud tradition as in incubattor for new ideas carries on as Taste the Local Difference becomes it’s own entity, we launch SolaRISE, and system change for food systems.
Michigan doesn’t need Line 5, the local food culture, featuring Maureen Smyth, program updates, and more.
The Ann Arbor to Traverse City passenger rail study is released, Lindsay Hall says goodbye, Groundowork promotes a Green rate, and we publish “Canadian Profits, Michigan Risk” about the Line 5 oil pipeline.
This white paper documents that the vast North American oil pipeline network has more than sufficient capacity to ensure that Michigan and Midwest refineries could operate with no economic disruption without Line 5. It also identifies viable solutions that should be implemented to secure necessary propane to Upper Peninsula residents, as well as to transport northern Lower Peninsula oil to southeastern markets.