ABOVE: Linwood Fresh Market Opening Day, owner Sonya Greene speaking. As a child growing up in the city of Detroit, my neighborhood was my world. Most of my extended family lived on the same block, and everything we needed was a short drive away or within walking...
Who’s feeding our kids: The Farmer’s Perspective
Above: Kyle Mitchell, Mitchell's Patch of Blue farm. Photo courtesy of Kyle Mitchell. On the road that leads from the farm to the school cafeteria tray, we encounter many folks along the way who contribute to feeding our kids. Who’s Feeding Our Kids is a series where...
Postcards From Our Detroit Urban Farm Tour
Groundwork and partners lead Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development officials on a visit of seven Motown farms. ABOVE: Rosebud Schneider and Tepfirah Rushdan of Keep Growing Detroit in the organization’s Three SIsters Garden. On July 25th,...
How free and reduced-price school meals and 10 Cents a Meal work together to feed Michigan’s children
Above photo courtesy USDA. Free and reduced-price meals are served to kids every day across the country through programs such as the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the School Breakfast Program (SBP). In Michigan, the state-funded 10 Cents a Meal for...
Michigan’s school kids need farm-fresh food
This op-ed first published in The Detroit News. In Michigan, the importance of farm fresh food in schools cannot be overstated. This is a crucial time for the state when it comes to these issues because now more young people than ever are going hungry and need...
Urban Farmer and Policy Specialist Shares Thoughts on the MI Healthy Climate Conference
I joined the staff here at Groundwork in November 2022 and became a team member on the Food and Farming team. I currently work on the 10 Cents a Meal Program, and also come to Groundwork with experience as an urban farmer in my base of Detroit. Because of this, I...