Tell Army Corps:
No Permits for the Line 5 reroute at bad River

Enbridge's proposal for a new Line 5 segment jeopardizes our water and wetlands, violates treaty rights, and contradicts the Task Force on Climate Change recommendation to avoid new fossil fuel infrastructure. Submit your comment by August 31, 2024!
Please use our letter template at right to personalize and email your message now. Thank you for taking action to protect a way of life and a precious place!
Do it!
Begin by entering your name, email, and address, and click Start Writing.
We encourage you to customize the comment with your perspective. We'll add the salutation and sign-off based on what you enter in the form.
Please do not change the subject line or use emojis in the letter—doing so will interfere with delivery.
Photo: Many European nations benefit from trains that are fast, reliable and affordable—Michigan can too. By Jeff Smith