Urge Michigan's legislators:
Do not cut funding for 10 cents a meal!

There's a real possibility that funding for 10 Cents a Meal could be cut in half in the FY2025 state budget. We need your help contacting state legislators to let them know that Michigan’s children and farmers need lawmakers to stand strong and push for funding equal to the past two years.
10 Cents a Meal has provided healthy food to hundreds of thousands of children and provided business for hundreds of family farms and food distributors, processors, packers, and food hubs. The program is respected nationally, and a number of states have modeled their programs on 10 Cents a Meal.
10 Cents a Meal for Michigan’s Kids and Farms is Michigan’s local food incentive program implemented by the Michigan Department of Education. The program provides schools, early care and education centers, and other organizations participating in USDA Child Nutrition programs with match funding up to 10 cents per meal to purchase and serve Michigan-grown fruits, vegetables, and dry beans.
Ask legislators to pass funding equal to FY2023 and FY2024 in Section 31j of the FY 2025 School Aid Budget, so 10 Cents a Meal can continue to put nutritiously rich and vibrant locally grown food on children's plates statewide and help family farms economically thrive.
Please use our letter template at right to personalize and email your message now. Thank you for taking action to protect 10 Cents a Meal and local food.
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